Could these items in your home be hurting your family?

Nationally published September 2019

Every home has hidden hazards – from cords and cables that pose tripping hazards to invisible dangers like radon and asbestos. But if you or someone in your family suffers from allergies, something you may not know is that your bedding could be a culprit.

When it comes to pillows and duvets, some people believe that polyester is a better alternative to down for allergy-sufferers. But independent research studies prove that the opposite is true. High-quality downs are put through a rigorous cleaning process, which includes special treatments to ensure the down is hypoallergenic. This makes them much more allergy-friendly than many synthetic materials on the market.

In fact, true allergies to down and feathers are extremely rare. Most people are actually allergic to dust mites, and if your symptoms are worse at night and early in the morning, it could be a sign that this is the case for you, since dust mites are often concentrated in bedding. Fortunately, keeping your down and feather products clean and protected can help eliminate most of these problems.

Another advantage of down is its natural ability to breathe and wick away body moisture and perspiration, constantly keeping the body dry and warm. If you have ever worn a polyester shirt in the summer, you know what the difference is in breathability between synthetics and natural fibres. This cooling ability makes down great for those who have trouble sleeping at night, as cooler temperatures make getting to and staying asleep easier.

To ensure you’re getting high-quality, locally sourced and humane down products, look for the DOWNMARK® label, which signifies the brand is a member of the Down Association of Canada. You can find a list of member manufacturers and where to find their products at

Published across Canada September 2019