Trust the DOWNMARK®

In the Merriam Webster dictionary, the definition of “TRUST” is stated as follows:

As a noun:

a: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something

b: one in which confidence is placed

As a verb:

a: to rely on the truthfulness or accuracy of: Believe         

b: to place confidence inRely on

So, when we ask you to trust a DOWNMARK® product label, we mean literally what the dictionary says: that consumers can be assured and confident that the down inside a DOWNMARK® product is represented truthfully on the law tags and trust it is genuine down and feather.   It’s as simple as that!

Our DOWNMARK® sewn-in label on products can only be used by a certified Canadian manufacturing member of the Down Association of Canada. They have produced that finished item here in Canada and the products either meet or exceed all our required standards. 

With so many different products in the marketplace claiming multiple certifications and standards, we want consumers to know that the DOWNMARK® means supporting Canadian Companies and means genuine.

We know consumers have lots of choices, and you have lots of criteria unique to you that come into play in the decision making for your purchases.

If one of your criteria is supporting local - please consider a DOWNMARK® labelled product.

If one of your criteria is quality - please consider a DOWNMARK® labelled product.

If one of your criteria is genuine down & feather - know you can TRUST the DOWNMARK®.