Fall into a cozy bed

Everyone craves quality sleep, but 1 in 5 adults do not find their sleep refreshing and 1 in 2 adults have trouble either going to sleep or staying asleep according to Public Health Canada.

We all want to be rested and feel our best to handle each new day. Sadly, many of us struggle with the elusive REM cycle and getting enough good quality slumber.

Fall usually means back to school and earlier bedtimes, but in 2020 it means back to what has been named a new normal for school, work and daily routines that is combined with Covid-19 and following public health guidelines. All of which equals stress. Added stress in our daytime hours and leftover worries spinning in our head while trying to relax at bedtime.

All the more reason to make sure we have a sleep surrounding that helps us not hinders us. Nothing we navigate during the daytime changes the fact that a solid restful sleep is the most important thing we need to accomplish at night. 

With many sources offering lists for what is within our own power to control in order to maximize our sleep how is it that we can help? By assisting you with your decision on what bedding is best!

Down & feather pillows, duvets and mattress toppers are hands down the right choice to help create that cozy bed environment. Down is a natural material that helps you stay cozy while you are going to sleep, and just as importantly, helps you stay asleep by keeping your body temperature comfortable during the night.

 Down naturally circulates air, keeping you warm when you need it and cooling you down by releasing warm air when you don’t need the heat. By trapping the air and regulating the temperature around you, you stay more comfortable and won’t get woken up by being either too hot or too cold.

This is the advantage of the natural material of down and feather, nature designed it that way for a reason. No man-made synthetic or combination will work as good or as consistently. All you have to do is research down and feather properties to find the right combination of fill to match your sleep surroundings.

Our Canadian DOWNMARK® certified bedding manufacturers can help you find your match!

They are specialists in this field and are happy to assist.  Each manufacturer will have unique product combinations available to choose from within their own line of down and/or feather duvets and pillows. There is most certainly one that will suit your own personal sleep style.

Visit our website DOWNMARK.ORG to learn about down and feather plus view our Bedding Directory showcasing our valued Canadian Manufacturers links to their own websites for purchasing.

 We wish you many nights of great REM sleep using a DOWNMARK® duvet and pillow!