Navigating online doesn't have to be scary....

What hasn’t changed in 2020? …..It’s the burning question due to Covid-19

Therefore, it’s not surprising that our shopping options have changed within the ever-evolving but necessary online buying marketplace. It is very easy for consumers to get confused and unsure of how to successfully navigate this gigantic retail universe!  

Searching for that perfect product over countless websites or social media platforms is overwhelming. Whether it be for a gift or personal use, consumers just want quality and security in what is purchased.

So how do you take back control?

Where do you research?

How do you compare what product is best and where to buy it from?

What information will get what you need to be confident before clicking that final purchase icon?


Here’s our key points when it comes to purchasing down and feather filled products:

1)    LEARN everything about this wonderful sustainable and natural-occurring fill material.

a)     Visit knowledgeable, reliable websites.  They will have easily understood definitions of the important down and feather properties to consider when searching online. Our suggestions: 

2)    EVALUATE & COMPARE what properties are essential for success within your own personal sleep style and product usage.  

a)     Keep track of what sites you visited, what they say about the product in descriptions and titles as well as who is selling the product. Look for mixed up details. Our questions to track:


  • TITLES: “Down” / “Down and Feather” / “Down Blend” / “Fibre” – these words do not mean the same thing nor are they equitable in warmth (as you will have learned from doing #1).

  • DESCRIPTIONS: What they list first should be the main material inside – Down & Feather means more down…. Feather & Down means more feather…. Down Blend could be any mix…. Fibre means no down clusters or feathers – just chopped up dust and debris with no warmth.

  • ORIGIN: Where is it made? – Do you want to support your country and local businesses?

  • PRICE: Not all things are created equal – read what they say they are sending you and make sure it is what you end up getting shipped. It doesn’t always happen that way!


3)    TRUST & VALUE mean everything.

a)     Decide what is important to you and remember why you made that decision. Our points:

  • SHOP LOCAL:  Your money stays in your community and you have full disclosure over where your product is made and who you are getting it from. You know how to get in touch with them always!

  • SHOP DOWNMARK LABEL: Trusted fill materials and made in Canada by a Canadian Manufacturer.


If you want to take away the scary aspects of buying online – do your research ahead of time and trust the DOWNMARK® quality label for Canadian-made down and feather filled products.

Visit our list of manufacturers to find one local to you or a retailer they sell to which is local to you.

Use this link:  Down Association of Canada Manufacturing Membership List